Let's Digress

Narrative Outline


If you’re reading this, it’s probably because someone told you to go here. Or maybe it’s because you’re just naturally inquisitive and that inquisitiveness brought you to this khaki-colored dark side of the interwebz.

Anyway, I’m a paramedic and I do paramedic things sometimes. Whenever I have students or people new to EMS, I try to help them with their documentation. From my experience, good documentation is one of the most vital parts of patient care and protecting oneself from legal recourse, and it is oftentimes taught the least and not stressed enough.

This is by no means all-inclusive. It’s my basic outline for run narratives and, here, it is meant to be more of a cheat sheet to help you think thoughts about what to write.

EMTs, just ignore the paramedic parts.

If you have any questions, comments, concerns, or additions, send me an email or something.

So click the link, download the PDF, and read words about things. It’s not a virus, I promise.

Oh! And feel free to spread this around if it tickles your fancy.

Download/view the PDF here: Adam’s Narrative Outline